ual is a new programming language for small systems, it borrows from Lua, Forth, and Go/TinyGo.
It's not a scripting language, it compiles to TinyGo, and Go, therefore binaries are produced for the same targets of those compilers. In the case of TinyGo using an optimised LLVM-based backend (esp32, risc-v, wasm, various mcus), and for mainstream server/desktop computing architectures via the Go compiler's own backend (x86-64, arm64, etc.) and OSes (Linux, Mac, Windows).
The general idea is that this design allows developers for fast iteration cycles on a workstation, with sound and safely tested algorithms before moving to a second stage workflow on the real embedded platform.
((Work in progrees))
Not ready to use yet, but I thought I'd RFC before I complete the first implementation, whilst there's still time.
Hope you find it interesting!
Let me know what you think!