Heat Pumps: refrigerators that run both ways.
omg wait. Het Pumps: shoes that denote utter straight-ness.
He Pumps: description of masc person who doth lift.
H Pumps: uhhh, probably a biology or chemistry thing? Like H is Hydrogen, so just one proton (+1 positive charge, +1 atomic mass in the nucleus) with maybe a neutron or two (+0 charge, +1 atomic mass in the nucleus). So an H pump would probably just be a proton pump, like the opposite of what you give people for stomach ulcers? Cuz acid is more protons, giving a stronger overall positive charge.
E Pumps: come on, this is a free trans chick joke. Or maybe like e-girls, or both tbh. Are e-boys a thing? Are e-boys just fem bois in a more cyber punk aesthetic?