Thanks to our supporters and volunteers, the inspiring story of Ada & Zangemann has been translated into several languages!
Share the movie with your friends and post it around!
The book is also a perfect gift for local libraries and schools.

Thanks to our supporters and volunteers, the inspiring story of Ada & Zangemann has been translated into several languages!
Share the movie with your friends and post it around!
The book is also a perfect gift for local libraries and schools.
Special shoutout to the repair site iFixit who are now on the Fediverse, you can follow them at:
They provide repair forums and free repair guides for phones, computers, consoles, kitchen equipment, tools, medical devices, cars etc. They also review and tear down new gadgets to see how repairable they are.
Repairing your existing stuff is much, much better for the environment than buying replacements.
#KentUK #RepairCafé celebrates decade of reducing waste
Story by Zac Sherratt - BBC News, March 8, 2025
"A Kent repair café which has become a 'cornerstone of sustainability and community spirit' is celebrating a decade since its launch.
"#FavershamRepairCafé runs on the second Saturday of each month at The Spire Church, and this month's session will be exactly 10 years since it began.
"The café's volunteers have repaired more than 2,800 items, from household appliances to cherished personal belongings.
"Founder and chairman Prof Martin Charter said he and the team were looking forward to reducing waste and strengthening community bonds for years to come.
"Prof Charter began a series of pilot repair cafés in 2014 before officially launching the project the following year.
"More than 6,000 people have visited the café, all playing their part in diverting an estimated 7.5 tonnes of waste from #landfills and saving roughly 70.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions."
#RepairCafes #RepairCafesUK #SolarPunkSunday #FixIt #RightToRepair
Although expensive to what I always paid for a mobile, the Fairphone seems an interesting option, mainly because of the *fair* part. If it is really a fairer phone, it has a cost.
Now deciding between the original Fairphone (@Fairphone), possibly 5, but still considering the 4, or the one with Murena (@murena), €50+ in this case.
P. S. I went for a Fairphone 5. I hope it can arrive next week before my vacation.
I can't wait to buy a new $5k #tesla on clearance so i can hack it and perform unauthorized maintenance. #righttorepair
#Elon is stealing from Americans
Update. "Years of hard work have made it possible for us to celebrate the #RightToRepair movement time and time again. It's a group effort —folks like #iFixit, who provide repair guides and repairability scores; the #RepairAssociation, who’ve helped lead the movement in state legislatures; and of course, people like you who contact local representatives, are the reason this movement has gained so much momentum."
A colleague gave me an old Macbook Pro 9.2, which was too slow even to open Safari or read emails...
After upgrading the ram from 4 to 16gb, changing the old HDD for a new SSD, installing #Fedora... I made a Zoom call while I had 20 tabs open on Firefox, with Nextcloud, Thunderbird, Telegram and Emacs open in the background.
But the thing that amazed me was the strange sense of #empowerment (?) I felt during the process.
Well electric cars, hell, cars in general these days come with proprietary software that totally screws over the buyer's ability to fix their own damn car. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
Right to repair isn't just some fancy slogan, it's a fucking right. Period. I'm all in on open source software and the freedom to dig into the code, learn from it, and yeah, fix it if I need to. That's how it should be, not this locked-down crap they're pushing on us.
Sadly, this is the world most people are forced into with big tech companies owning and operating most of the software we and many companies use today.
I would recommend anyone reading this to give #Linux a try if you haven't already used it. It's open-source, customizable, and gives you the freedom to really make your system your own.
In short: I love the right to repair my own tech!
“Manufacturers will always try to figure out another means of restricting independent repair because it’s a very lucrative market for them,” EFF’s @prilkit told @NBCNews. Still, the #RightToRepair movement is piling up wins.
The right-to-repair movement is growing as wins stack up
Laws protecting consumers’ ability to seek out independent repairs for their appliances are spreading across the United States. #righttorepair #uslaw #uspol
Highlighting for #SolarPunkSunday:
@breadandcircuses Let's talk about #Degrowth...
"Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?
Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:
Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
Fostering a culture of durability and repairability in consumer goods
Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:
Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work
Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice."
Original post:
#Degrowth #SelfSufficiency #RightToRepair #Decarbonize #SolarPunk
Our St David's Day/birthday repair café numbers are in and they're huge!
65 repairs in total .
36 fixed .
10 repairable & 5 still in repair .
11 end of life .
3 mysteries .
We're back at Barry Library on Saturday 5th April - mark your calendars!
So, I think that for this week's #SolarPunkSunday, I'll be focusing on #RepairCafes, #RightToRepair and #DIY stuff, and will touch upon a few other #Solarpunk topics. I hope folks will join myself and others, while we share ideas and resources!
#Rewilding #RewildingWins #Gardening #Permaculture #sustainability #Degrowth #Anticapitalism #FixIt #BuyLess
saying this into the void but i had this old walkman with a busted belt. i found the service manual and learned you have to desolder like 10 connections to fix it.
i’ve only tried soldering once and absolutely fried that project it wasn’t working anyways, but the risk of breaking this thing kept me from trying to fix it for like a year.
long story short, i fucking did it. it took like 4 hours but i actually pulled it off. hearing it play for the first time was magical#righttorepair
Could we agree that #worldBicycleRelief 's #bicycle is not really #solarpunk ?
Sure, it's nice it's durable and given to people in need.
But it's not really repairable. Custom, copyrighted components designed to keep the company afloat, available only through controllable humanitarian channels.
I'd take well-standardized open source any day.
I'm gonna list out my interests, and there's a ton of 'em. Classic autism move, getting obsessed with weird topics that stick with you forever.
Heads up, #Fediverse, you might lose it when I drop 100+ hashtags in one post. That's just how autism rolls I guess.
## Interests and Obsessions
Substances and Legalization:
#Drugs #LSD #Shrooms #Psychedelics #THC #Psilocybin
Tech and Privacy:
#Linux #Debian #QubesOS #GrapheneOS #GooglePixel #Auxio #AntennaPod #PGP #Obtainium #PeerTube #FreeTube #Privacy #Security #Thunderbird #CapyReader #RSS #AtomFeeds #NewPipe #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Openreads #Signal #LocalSend #ThinkPad #FreeSoftware #FSF #ElementaryOS #Elementary #PaldoLinux #GNOME #i3wm #Monero #Mullvad #iVPN #LinusTorvald #Fairphone #DivestOS #Tor #TailsOS #Whonix
Politics and Activism:
#AnarchoSyndicalism #Anarchism #Syndicalism #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #TransRights #HumanRights #WorkersRights #Unions #Decentralization #Organizing #GrassRoots #DirectAction #AntiCapitalism #FuckSpotify #Piratpartiet #PirateParty #Piracy #ThePirateBay #EdwardSnowden #Wikileaks #JulianAssange #MeredithWhittaker #RichardStallman #RightToRepair
Music and Artists:
#ZoëStraub #Bandcamp #ShadowOfIntent #Alestorm #AlisonSudol #CœurDePirate #RussianPop #YuliaSavicheva #SavichevaMusic #Music
Content Creators:
#DougDoug #DistroTube #MattRose #TheHatedOne #EricParker #The8BitGuy #BernadetteBanner #LynnSaga #LukeSmith #UndineAlmani #DarkViperAU
History and Tragic Events:
#NorthKorea #WW2 #ColdWar #KoreanWar #Unit731 #NuclearWeapons #USSR
Fashion and Identity:
#GenderFluidity #Dresses #Lingerie #Pins #Buttons #Statues
Culture and Media:
#Buddhism #Warframe #Moomin #Books #Joker2019 #SocialIssues #AlternativeSocialStructures
#Traveling and Destinations:
#Austria #Vienna #Salzburg #Idlib #Pyongyang #Moscow #Bergen
#AntiReactionContentCreators #ReactionContentBad #Crying
Yeah, I know it's a lot. But that's the beauty of an autistic brain I guess, we go deep on what fascinates us.
We've had a few vacuum cleaners come in today - it seems like you're all spring cleaning at the moment!
Right to repair laws make it easier for individuals and organizations to fix their own stuff. They do this by, for example, requiring companies to sell parts and make manuals available, and banning “software locks” that limit who can carry out repairs. Now, @jasonkoebler reports for @404mediaco, the grassroots movement has hit a tipping point in the U.S.
In Japan there's a law which bans unlicenced people to take apart telecommunication devices.
It’s official: Repair Café Pittsburgh is starting April 5, 2025! We’re partnering with Construction Junction to hold repair cafés the first Saturday each month.
We need your help to make Repair Café Pittsburgh happen! We’re looking for volunteers, repair specialists, food + beverage vendors, material donations, and sponsorships. Check out the website in our bio to get started.