Ever wanted to get the number of auto-fit columns in CSS?
--u: 5em;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(var(--u), 1fr))
It's now possible! Using registered #CSS vars, the tan division hack and container query units! Here's a little test on @codepen:
#CSS wish: for browsers to implement the `src()` (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#funcdef-src) and `filter()` (https://github.com/web-platform-tests/interop/issues/717) functions.
Combined with the improved `attr()`, this would allow us to give images borders that are gradient versions of themselves using a `border-image` CSS declaration.
Front End North is GO!
A welcoming one-track, one-day conference returns to Sheffield – for developers and designers who build for the web.
When: 10th July, 2025
Tickets: Just £75!
We’ve got some fantastic speakers lined up, including Andy Bell, Amy Hupe, and @craigabbott – more details to be announced soon!
Bagsy your ticket now:
@aral How do you deal with design system shenanigans?
I am having a hard time with inconsistent UI elements in my personal portfolio/blog that I am working on, it's annoying me because it is pushing me to either under-engineered mess of a code or over-engineered compartmentalization by referring similar codes from already-existing UI libraries.
Yesterday, I just started with some simple atoms (typography), but it feels like there is a lot of work.
The @codepen demo:
#CSS #filter uses the --c value set on the div it's applied to, #SVG one uses the --c value set upstream from it on the body.
This means we need different SVG filters for different flood-color values.
There are workarounds - stay tuned!
Can you help me out, mastodon?
Do you see the same result as below for this test, especially in Chrome/ Safari?
Or finding red in rgb(0, 100%, 0%)?
Are you on a wide gamut display? You can check here https://wide-gamut.com/test
Retoots appreciated. Thank you!
#Development #Guides
CSS relative colors · A new way to generate colors dynamically https://ilo.im/162q4h
#Colors #ColorSpace #ColorFormat #Themes #Browser #WebDev #Frontend #CSS #Sass
Todoist is looking for a front end dev!
Alguien que use Platzi o lo haya usado recurrentemente me puede contar qué tal y si renta?
Muchas gracias.
“You want ‘100% AI accessibility’? Try the Accessibility Intelligence of actual disabled people.” — Eric Eggert
#Design #Accessibility #AI #UiDesign #WebDesign #Development #WebDev #Frontend #Quotes
I'm looking for a #frontend developer #job (React, but I have some experience with Angular and I'm open to any other framework). I have dabbled a bit with GraphQL, Python and Django. If you want to throw at me something else then go on - I will be happy to learn something else whether it is a new framework or new language, even functional one. I have recently picked up interest in Lisp-family languages.
I also know thing or two about UI/UX, I'm good at talking with clients and in roles requiring some leadership skills. I don't mind working alone if that's the requirement. I'm used to work in small agile teams.
I'm eligible to work in EU, but I'm looking for a remote position only which is not involved in military, AI and ads. I can either work on employment agreement or as a contractor, but the length of the contract must be at least 6 months.
I added text message style speech bubbles for my website today using css and html on my eleventy site. Check it out, https://theonlyblogever.com/about #oldweb
Any Mid/Senior front-end Dev (Vanilla JS) want to do a skill share with me ?
I can do all sort of infra/devOps/sysadmin stuff.
I also keep track of a lot of useful open source project.
Gibt es irgendwo eine Anlaufstelle, die "vertrauensvolle Web-Barrierefreiheits-Tester in deiner Umgebung" auflistet? Es kommen gerade (wenig überraschend) einige Anfragen rein. Aber weder habe ich die Zeit noch die Expertise, um Maßnahmenkataloge für konkrete Websites zu verfassen. #accessibility #a11y #frontend
Hello fellow clojurists.
Today I released 2 open source Clojurescript libraries:
- Siagent, a subset of Reagent using Signaali, and
- Si-frame, a fork of Re-frame which is based on Siagent & Signaali.
I am looking for testers willing provide feedback.
Thank you
Want inline semitransparent text background with no overlap?
Here's how on @codepen
(you can see the overlap problem and the desired result below)
The `filter` combines 2 `feColorMatrix` techniques:
using a channel as an alpha mask
solid fill
My name is Matilda, I am a member of Greenheart Co-op. Interested in #interactiondesign, #systemsdesign and #servicedesign. Specifically in the spirit of e.g #VictorPapanek, #DonellaMeadows. Also in interested in #economics in the spirit of #KateRaworth (#DoghnutEconomics ). Furthermore interested in #tech #frontend #GrowOwnFood #mushroomfarming #TechCooperatives #neuroscience #cognitivescience