After quite a few years using a lot of GNOME and a little Xfce, I am really enjoying KDE Plasma in Fedora Kinoite.
Plasma looks and works the same in the Debian (Bookworm and Testing) and Fedora KDE (41) live environments.
After quite a few years using a lot of GNOME and a little Xfce, I am really enjoying KDE Plasma in Fedora Kinoite.
Plasma looks and works the same in the Debian (Bookworm and Testing) and Fedora KDE (41) live environments.
It's so far, so good with new Fedora Kinoite deployments.
I had one display lockup (likely during an automatic suspend) with 3/5. Now I'm on 3/6, and nothing crashy/freezy has happened yet.
The 3/5 update to Fedora Kinoite is working great. I can unpin 2/24 and move along now.
My last good update for Fedora Kinoite was on 2/24. The 2/26 update broke the ability of Flatpak browsers to upload, freezing the screen in the process. There were other random freezes as well.
Due to whatever problem Fedora Infrastructure is having with Cloudfront, I haven't been able to update since then.
I pinned the 2/24 deployment, but it's getting on at this point.
Next up: Fedora 41 KDE spin
Ideally my Kinoite issues will be resolved by the end of the upcoming week.
I'm weighing the benefits vs. headaches in Atomic Fedora (Silverblue/Kinoite 41) and traditional distros (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, etc).
I've said before that I feel like I run into one serious bug for every two Fedora releases, and right now I'm dealing with two:
* Kernel 6.13 doesn't play well with Flatpaks
* I can't do an rpm-ostree upgrade without some hackery
Am I the only Fedora Kinoite or Silverblue user with a bad mirror that keeps me from updating the main system?
$ rpm-ostree upgrade
Receiving metadata objects: 3/(estimating) 28.1 kB/s 84.2 kB... done
error: While pulling fedora/41/x86_64/kinoite: While fetching Server returned HTTP 502
Fedora Kinoite video player tip:
There is no Flatpak in Flathub for the Dragon Video Player, but there is one in the Fedora Flatpak repo.
It does not have all the codecs you would expect from a Flathub Flatpak.
I'm using the Haruna Media Player from Flathub. It has the codecs and can play all the videos I've thrown at it.
While I'm still working on making GTK3 apps follow the dark theme, overall I am very happy with the look, feel and performance of Fedora Kinoite.
My power management issues have been solved, and I'm enjoying exploring this new environment.
I spent too much time today trying to figure out how to make the clipboard work in the Neovim and Neovide Flatpaks in Fedora Kinoite.
It only works after I run :checkhealth
Nothing I put in my init.vim made any difference.
None of the tutorials really got into possible fixes in this situation (Atomic Fedora and Flatpak)
Most of my .vimrc didn't transfer over. All of my macros and abbreviations are broken.
While I'm testing all the LXQt distros I can find, I am pretty sure I will not be able to leave KDE Plasma 6 (via Fedora Kinoite) behind. It's too good and too fast.
This KDE Plasma fractional scaling is BADASS.
I'm running at 125% and it looks amazing.
Number of power management issues I've had with KDE in Fedora Kinoite:
I am now in Fedora Kinoite, and it LOOKS GREAT.
I can't remember when I ran KDE except with a couple of live environment for maybe a few minutes over the past xx years.
So basically no experience since KDE 3.
This just looks so nice. We'll see how I get along.
To test my theory that it's something in the world of GTK desktops that is causing my intermittent issue with suspend/resume and shutdown (in which the screen goes blank and the system doesn't resume or turn off about 10% of the time), I am currently rebasing my Fedora Silverblue system to Kinoite.
Let's see if this works -- both as a working system and for the power-management issue.
I HAVE had some success in getting more apps to successfully work with files on my Samba server. This Fedora Discussion thread shows where the "breakthrough" happened for Flatpak apps:
Has this ever happened to you?
I am trying (and failing BTW) to mount a Samba share with /etc/fstab in Fedora Silverblue 41, and I wanted to comment out a line in the file.
Instead of typing #, I typed $, saved the file and rebooted.
The system wouldn't boot.
I used a live Fedora image to get into the drive and replace $ with #.
Then it booted.
Still can't get a Samba share mounted in /etc/fstab, but at least I can boot and log in.
I'm as intrigued by #Guix as I was by #NixOS, but ultimately I'm not sure the complexity is worth it for me.
Even #OpenBSD has a ratio of complexity vs. benefits that fits well with my work (and play) flow.
#AtomicFedora, #UniversalBlue and #OpenSUSE #Aeon all hide enough of the nitty gritty behind the scenes — updates happen without me needing to know it.
And traditional #Debian is so familiar and reliable, it's hard not to tap it for just about any use case.