godforsaken.website is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
godforsaken.website is a uk-based mastodon instance boasting literally thousands of posts about bumholes and UNESCO world heritage sites

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Shrig 🐌

My @Fairphone 3 arrived today yay! They do amazing work towards environmentally responsible electronics, reparability and workplace conditions all the way along the supply line!
Normally I feel a bit guilty buying new hardware but not this time, knowing that I can truly make this thing last and that it's come from a much better place

@Shrigglepuss @Fairphone
My Fairphone 1 is still going, 5 and a half years I think.

@priryo well good! I had a Fairphone 1 too ♥️ what OS do you run on it?

@Shrigglepuss Whatever it came with I guess. No GApps, never installed them and F-Droid bits.

@Shrigglepuss @Fairphone a) still waiting for mine, therefore b) jealous 😂