my pens came so guess it's time for the start of #OpalsInkSwatches
diamine regency blue is from their 150th anniversary collection. i'm fussy about blues and love the swatch but it writes darker, especially on off white paper
diamine sailor's warning is the first shimmering ink i bought. with finer nibs you don't get much of the shimmer but when you do the sparkle looks both blue and pink
you can see the shimmer of sailor's warning a bit better in the video here, pls trust that it's lovely irl
the swatches are made with a non branded brush pen and 250gsm round corner business cards. the writing is with a 0.5mm nib jinhao fountain pen, nothing fancy or expensive but i'm quite pleased with my new system
because i've never been normal about any of my hobbies in my life i bought the wearinguel swatch cards so my little inks look prettier, look how cute they are
#OpalsInkSwatches #FountainPens
today's swatches, jade green and tyrian purple, both from diamine. i went straight for an 80ml bottle of jade bc it's so bright and lovely!
Just one swatch today - Sapphire Blue from Diamine
It's the first blue I bought and it behaves perfectly well but i don't really like it tbh, writing a whole page in this is too bright and makes me feel like I'm doing schoolwork. Good for an accent, not my main writing ink.
Today's swatch is Summer Storm by Robert Oster. In writing it's more definitely grey and less blue than the swatch but I love how it shades and sometimes looks lilac.
Back to my regular Diamine brand loyalty today with Pumpkin. I went straight for an 80ml bottle of this bc it looked like my perfect orange ink and it is my perfect orange ink. Lovely and bright but dark enough to be perfectly legible.
I know some ppl hate orange but I simply adore it
@threeofswords Always love seeing your swatch cards! I vascillate between Pumpkin; and Peach Haze as my "trademark" go-to colors in my fave Sailor.
Mildly surprising to the viewer relative to the semi-stodgy-looking impression non-FP users have of the pen, and for whatever reason people don't complain that it's not a "legal" color for signatures.
@wurzbacher thanks so much! i just recently got peach haze, haven't tried it out enough yet but it seems lovely so far, i love that you use it for signatures!
@threeofswords I seriously can’t stop collecting the Diamines. Once I think I have enough, I discover a certain seller on eBay. They’re so damned affordable and consistent, gotta catch ‘em all.
@wurzbacher I'm based in the uk so often get them direct from diamine and they are such a good price! do you have any of their shop exclusive colourways or anything?
@threeofswords Unfortunately not - Can't wait for Christmas this year, #inkvent is coming!