my pens came so guess it's time for the start of #OpalsInkSwatches
diamine regency blue is from their 150th anniversary collection. i'm fussy about blues and love the swatch but it writes darker, especially on off white paper
diamine sailor's warning is the first shimmering ink i bought. with finer nibs you don't get much of the shimmer but when you do the sparkle looks both blue and pink
you can see the shimmer of sailor's warning a bit better in the video here, pls trust that it's lovely irl
@threeofswords oh man that rules
@infernusgoatus it's so lovely isn't it! i have a couple more shimmers that i'm v excited to see how they show up in a large swatch, gonna be writing everything with sparkles
@threeofswords lending all notes and words that extra bit of elegance