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the anti-strike people, speculating and posting shit like "but what would happen if the mistreated and underpaid people in EVERY sector went on strike..!?" are so very close to getting the point...

@horrowfide mmmm, they're close to articulating the point, by accident. Can't fix willful ignorance.

@swims they just can't quite connect the dots...

except the french, they seem to get it, and they won't tolerate it.

@horrowfide And that’s why all of us should be learning to grow our own food and be radically self-sufficient in all things. Because one day, if we want a fairer society, our survival will literally depend on it

As a retired Teamster, I approve this messsge!

@horrowfide See also “But without the police there would be anarchy!”


Recently someone complained about how people in France are always ready to protest or go on strike at the drop of a hat even though they have so much… but just couldn’t put it together.

@DavidM_yeg nobody strikes and protests quite like the french, that's why their energy prices and fuel costs are so low, 'cos they go really hard if the government tries to fuck them. 💪🇫🇷

@horrowfide Look if this whole exploitative web starts getting untangled, I mean, what are we going to do then?!

@horrowfide It's this weird notion where they seem to think people are obligated to work. It's all freedom until workers freely choose to stop working. Opposition to a strike surley must mean you approve of forcing people to work?